Friday, February 5, 2010

The Word "Retarded"

The word "retarded" is in the news today. Sarah Palin, that old champion for political correctness (?), was taking Rahm Emanuel seriously to task for using the word "retarded." He even used it in regards to us liberals, that we're "retarded."

So who better to defend us than that old champion for liberals (?), Sarah Palin? Maybe she thought he was implying that her son was a liberal!

Actually her motive was not to defend us, but to take umbrage at the word "retarded" being used in any sense. This is an issue for her, it seems, because her son is [whatever the current word is, cognitively and developmentally challenged in special and privileged ways.]

It makes me wonder how she was able to be so upset, unless she thinks in the same way, i.e., using the same old words we always used as kids. This was a normal word to use at one time. And just because someone somewhere decided that it's no longer politically correct to use it in any context ... hmm, I don't remember voting on that. We used to say it about people all the time, like our little brother, who distinctly was not literally [very special and privileged], but we might be upset and like to attribute to him many of those [special] qualities. Yes, brother, you were very [special.]

I personally think the whole thing is overboard. It's especially overboard when you have her, who happens to have a son who is [special], that she would have some sort of special say over a word that she herself does not use in relation to her son! If she doesn't use the word in relation to her son -- and if she doesn't even think of the word in relation to her son, then what dibs does she have to be a qualified spokesperson on the issue? Think of that. She's claiming a certain qualification to speak to the issue based on something. But since she doesn't think that way about her son, what is it based on?

And she's always mentioning her kid. She's exploited that poor kid practically to death. If she didn't have him I don't know what her meal ticket would be next.

It was especially transparent when Rush Limbaugh used the same word repeatedly, and instead of Sarah criticizing him, I believe she challenged him to a marshmallow duel. Something very soft and minimal. But Rahm, she wanted him fired, drawn, quartered, and fed to the wolves. Which wouldn't be a bad idea, but for other reasons.

They're all [differently privileged and special]. And that goes especially for Sarah Palin. She's very, very [special and differently privileged.] Ha ha.

I have a Black Eyed Peas song I'd like to send as a long distance dedication to her.