Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Low Cost Anger Course

I just saw an ad for a "Low Cost Anger Course," and they promise a "Free Certificate of Completion."

But since I can't click on my own ads, a Google policy, I'll have to use my imagination as to what in the world they're offering.

Maybe -- I'll bet it is -- there are folks who are assigned to take an anger course. And they can actually go online to accomplish it. Maybe it's part of a domestic abuse situation, the resolution of a case. Come to think of it, this hits pretty close to home. Because I actually met someone a couple years ago who told me they had to take an anger course as part of the resolution of a domestic situation.

So how do you take an anger course? It's not like they have a lot of anger courses where I live. I suppose someone who needs to take one might be searching online, find that very ad, and sign up for it. Maybe they'd read an article, answer a few questions, submit their $20 (just guessing), and be able to print out their free certificate. That's quite an idea!

Their website better darned well work, though. Because we're talking about people easily angered. They could beat their computers into submission and then really be in trouble.