Saturday, February 13, 2010

Nothing But A Flying Rake

I was outside today and decided to take a shot at some of the big icicles on the corners of the house. I got a garden rake out of the garage, one of the ones with the heavy tines.

I took aim at one good corner, one with no obstructions, and in a couple of throws managed to knock down some good size ones. As thick as your arm.

We have other corners, of course, but the problem with the next corner is that there's cable TV stuff and electrical wires coming from the street to the house. So I was very reluctant to give it a try. Then, in an instance of ignorance, I took one throw -- one throw --- and the rake bounced off the house and hit the electrical wires.

Fortunately nothing broke. They just shook back and forth for 30 seconds or so.

I was definitely happy that I didn't mess up something. Then lose power. Then have to call the power company. Then wait overnight or whatever. I got lucky!

I was thinking, what if the electricity was off. I wouldn't want to admit what happened but I'd probably have no choice. Yes, I'm the muscle behind the flying rake!

UPDATE: Imaginary conversation with my dog: "The electricity went off about as soon as you left." "What do you mean?" "I saw a flying rake and then it went off." Now I'm trying to keep her quiet, so the electric company won't find out: "You saw nothing!" "Yes, master, I saw nothing but a flying rake!"

The electric company actually did show up. And the guy parked about four feet from that corner of the house. I thought, Oh no, someone really did report a flying rake hitting their wires. But it was just a coincidence. He was checking the meters in the area and just happened to park there!