Thursday, November 5, 2009

The Loyal Opposition

Hearing Michael Steele and the Republican talking heads (which I haven't actually heard that much of, since I more or less refuse to watch the cable channels the majority of the time) -- but hearing them in snippets on the internet or in reports -- crowing about winning a couple of governor races is a sickening thing.

This ought to make every Democrat want to redouble our efforts for 2010. But we need help! The help we need is for our Democrats in Congress to get their heads out of their butts long enough to get something done in a positive way for the people.

Enough bickering. Enough of every man and woman in Congress wanting to be President For The Day. Get some party loyalty. Get some party discipline. If you can't go along with the Democratic agenda -- and I'm looking at Joe Lieberman -- then get out! If you want to be a Republican, if you're rooting for the Republicans to win, if you're going to support the Republican candidates for Congress as you supported the Republican nominee for president, then, I'm sorry, we don't want you and we don't need you.

I want the Democratic leadership -- and I'm including Barack Obama in this -- to develop a spine like steel, and some fists to match. And not only get things done, but get them done in a bold, positive way. I believe people will reward them -- the base, moderates, and independents -- if they start governing like people with some ideals.

When they do that, we won't have to suffer Michael Steele and the Republican crooks the day after the election in 2010. But the time is now. Get your heads out and look at the light of day. Take a survey of the landscape as it is. And get something done, you idiots!