Sunday, November 29, 2009

Classic Vinyl

I've been listening to the channel "Classic Vinyl" on XM.

I don't do that very often even though I like about everything there. I don't like the idea of old farts listening to old fart music. Even though that's what I am and that's what it is.

But sometimes I may as well listen. It's good. Some of it's so common and well-worn that it's like looking at the back of your own hand. I might need to flip it to "Deep Tracks" before long just to get off the common groove.

A lot of the things I've been hearing on there I already have, either as a CD or on a record somewhere. But a lot of it I wouldn't go to the trouble of getting the CD out or the record (especially). So it's good just to hear it.

I like the channel "20 on 20", which used to be the top 20 played over and over. Now they've changed it around. The top 20 is only a few times a day, which in my opinion is a step in the wrong direction since it was extremely cool before. But now it's even worse than that. At least on weekends. This is my first experience hearing this because I sometimes go months without tuning in. Now they have one countdown of the top 45 songs played over and over. That sucks bad!

A guy named Spyder Harrison. I'm sure Spyder is a fine person, but I do not want to hear the same 45 songs played in that order with the same clever patter. I tuned in once at random and listened a while. Then a while later I tuned in and it was the exact same place in the program. No good! How hard would it be, if you didn't want to pay a DJ, to program the channel just to play the list of songs they have in random order, with an occasional station ID blurb? That would be a lot better. Put Spyder on one time, or move him to channel 30 and play him a few times, and make the 20 on 20 channel good again.