Monday, November 23, 2009

Adam Lambert Last Night

I forgot to watch the AMA show last night. I was busy anyway and couldn't have watched it. But I could've tuned in to catch Adam Lambert, as it turns out, since he was last. But I didn't think of it.

So I saw the publicity about it today, his supposed scandalous performance. I watched it on You Tube twice. The first time through, yeah, it seemed a little over the top. Then I saw a rehearsal clip. Then I watched the performance the second time. It was edgy and designed to make people talk and it succeeded.

That's good, since the album came out today. Mine is not here yet, since I ordered it from his website, the deluxe edition. So I'm hoping tomorrow or the next day.

As for what he did on the show, it shouldn't be that big of a shocker in today's world. Haven't performers been grabbing their crotch for a while? As for the simulated oral sex, that was edgy, I'll give you that. Kissing the guy. It's just performance, etc., etc. I didn't mind it. And I'm old, far from Adam's target audience.

He's the male Gaga. That's one way to look at it.

It's actually just like Elvis, except we've come a long way from back then. People thought Elvis was over the top with sexuality.