Friday, November 20, 2009

Why Dogs Hate Each Other

I don't know why dogs hate each other. It's crazy. You always hear it's territorial, but I don't think that's entirely it. Unless they're geared to protect just any territory they happen to be on.

I was at the park with the dog and another guy, a guy I actually know, came by with his dog. I yelled over that I'll go this way, you go that way.

But of course our dogs had seen each other and were going nuts trying to get to each other. I'm calling for my dog to cease and desist but to no avail. Just a waste of breath.

We got to the car and I looked at my dog. "You can't help it, I know. It's just something in you. Why do you hate each other?"

She's so normal and intelligent when there aren't other dogs around. But, if she's at the kennel, and there are plenty of dogs in adjoining cages, yowling and howling, she seems like she's not that interested.