Wednesday, November 18, 2009

What Do Hogs Have To Live For?

We saw some hogs on their way to the butcher place, the slaughterhouse one day. And someone said, "If you get the chance, run!" Words to that effect.

Like the hogs would think, "I'm about to be killed. I need to escape."

I've been thinking about it on and off. Same thing for other animals. They have no idea what's coming up. And even if they did, and were able to make a break for it, where would they go, what would they do?

There's nowhere for a hog to just run to to have a decent life. Of course we have lots of wild life out there making a life for itself, deer, moose, etc., but hogs aren't used to life in the forest.

Anyway, what do hogs have to live for? They're not raising families or planning for the future. They wouldn't even be alive if these guys weren't going to eventually slaughter them. Since people basically don't raise hogs for the fun of it.