Tuesday, November 24, 2009

The Adam Lambert Deluxe Edition

My CD came today, one day after being released. I ordered it maybe a little too late for them to get it here yesterday. But that was OK. I will still happy.

It is the deluxe edition, which, as it turns out, doesn't mean anything for the CD itself or the case. It seems to me anyway that the CD and case are the same as the one in the store.

The difference is that there were a couple of songs downloaded from Adam's official site that aren't on the CD, plus a couple of others which were on the CD could be downloaded early, plus a book.

The other tracks are called "Master Plan" and "Down the Rabbit Hole."

The book is a small hardcover book the same size as a CD case. It has some slick paper and artistic photos of Adam. It's a short book and some of the pages are just black, nothing else. 15 pages with a black picture on the front inside cover.