Monday, November 30, 2009

The Next Month

It seems like it was just yesterday that it was Halloween. But of course it's been an entire month. Time flies.

A month from today will also come, at least for those who are still living when it gets here. If history is any guide, I will also be here. Even though it's true I could be hit by a train, a car, a flying bullet or something and not be here. If I'm not here, thinking how the last nine billion years of history simply flew by, future time will fly by even faster than it does with me here.

December's always a hugely busy month for me, with Christmas and everything associated with it. We'll be traveling some -- that's busy. Staying here, staying there, in a motel, eating in restaurants, etc. Very busy stuff.

By the time a month from today gets here I won't be done with it yet. Because some of my traveling will also be on New Year's Eve. So I'll only be almost done, not entirely done.

What a lot there is that I have to do in the next month! And it's going to fly by and for a lot of it I'm going to be flying by the seat of my pants. But all this, too, shall pass.