Friday, October 9, 2009

Those Despondent Republicans

D'oh! Can't anything go right for the Republicans?

Just when it seemed like everything was coming up roses -- the United States lost the Olympics -- they just turn around and this happens, President Obama is awarded the Nobel Peace Prize!

Then they rush out to criticize the award, since any honor for America or Americans is something to despise, and are tripped up by two other very patriotic groups, Hamas and the Taliban, trying to hog the microphone.

Add to that: The president's approval ratings went up six points in a couple of days, the fact that things look more on track to get credible health care reform, the stock market's going up, and the sun came out this morning. Nothing can go right!

The Republicans almost had a piece of good news -- came that close. They heard we attacked the moon and figured we'd be in another big war. But it turns out no one up there cared. So even that's a downer.