Tuesday, October 27, 2009

I Need To Think Of An Idea

I've been seriously invested in coming up with creative ideas for various projects. I usually just mentally snap my fingers and there's another idea. But tonight I have a tiny mental block.

I took a nap a little earlier, from 6:30-7:30 p.m. approximately. I thought I would wake up clear as a bell. And actually I haven't been doing too badly. I'm just stuck at this one thing, what my next idea will be.

How will I overcome the block? I thought if I started typing about it -- and it's still not hopeless -- that it would pop into my mind. I depend on that all the time.

I need to take the dog out in a few minutes. That might be a good thing. The cool night air in my nose, mouth, and throat. Clear out some of the inside stuffiness.

I'm looking around the room. I live in a very cluttered environment. That's good and bad. It's good because I obviously need everything I have. It's bad because I obviously don't need particular things when you get right down to it.

This might be the idea, but I think I already did that idea. Yes, I did. The "Got Along Without You Before I Met You" idea. I'm sure I did that already.

[OK, I'm going to take the dog out and see if anything happens. I won't hit PUBLISH POST until I get back and we'll see how it stands.]

OVER 10 MINUTES LATER: I was out with the dog, giving this thing lots of thought. My thoughts went over topics like our wavelength, our mental furniture, and arranging things like on a shelf, being orderly, purposeful, etc. Those ideas aren't grabbing me.