Thursday, October 15, 2009

My Grocery List

Ugh, I probably should go to the grocery store.

Even though it's dark and I hate to get out. I'm not in any desperate need for anything. But I like milk in the morning and we're completely out. I didn't have any this morning.

Then there's the cat food. We have enough for another day or so, of the dry, but I may as well go get it.

And I know there's a couple other things I was thinking of this morning ... but precisely what, I can't remember. I need to start thinking categorically. Bathroom supplies. Oh yeah, I need some bar soap. We're down to slivers and it's hard to get a good grasp on those.

Pet food. May as well get some dog food.

Then in the grocery section ... they ought to do it like the pets ... a bag of Purina Human Food (for Seniors) ... But that's just a dream ... I don't know what to get. Probably some more bagels and orange juice.

Oh, it's such a drag to go to the grocery store.