Thursday, October 29, 2009

The Book I'm Reading

I've been reading a book. I mentioned it once already. It's called "A Romance of Two Worlds," by Marie Corelli. It's from around 1887.

I'm virtually done. Into the last few chapters. It's been enjoyable, more enjoyable than most books from the 1880s would be, thanks to the more mystical, magical, strange spirituality of it.

But I haven't been able to read any of it today yet, thanks to other duties. So I'd love to finish it off, like maybe tomorrow. It has a lot of socializing and entertaining in it, with the social customs of a bygone era. That's not terribly jarring. But it does make you remember it's an old book.

I'm right at some kind of climax chapter, I'm thinking. But I needed to put it down before I got to the whole thing. There's a storm. Intense lightning. And lightning -- or electricity -- are the key ingredient in the main man's whole spiritual revelation. There's something foreboding for him personally. And there's apparently something terrible about to happen to his sister. She's spoken of her death several times. Oooooo.

I've got my fingers crossed. Heh heh. Whatever happened to the sister happened in 1887, so whatever I'm hoping for, which I'm not really, has already been predetermined.

The book has some funky things in it, like what I wrote about before, that the moon isn't really there, that the sun was a planet, etc. But it's still interesting and compelling. It's compelling me to finish it, which is something!