Saturday, October 17, 2009

Steak For My Dog

I don't feed my dog off my plate anymore. I used to, years ago, but she gained a lot of weight and the veterinarian told me I shouldn't do it, that I was killing her.

Since then we haven't done it, except once in a while, hardly ever, she gets a little something extra. Like when we have raw hamburger we toss her a few tiny balls of it, which she catches in midair.

Tonight we were out to eat, and we had steaks, big ones. At the end, getting a little full, I decided we could take a few scraps to the dog, who could have them if she wanted them. And that's a big IF ... ha ha.

When we got home she smelled it and knew something was up. I was cutting it into smaller pieces and she was maintaining an anxious vigil at my feet. Then when I put the bowl down, she was crazy with delight, wolfing it down.

What a happy dog! Just don't gain weight!