Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Senator Snowe's Aye Vote

I don't know if the health care reform bill the Senate's working on is any good. I'm actually lost in the details and am relying simply on crossing my fingers to hope that we get something decent.

But it appears to be a step in the right direction at least. And today it got Sen. Olympia Snowe's vote, making it truly a "bipartisan" vote -- even if it's as slim as her one vote.

The real story in all this should be the Republicans' continued intransigence on anything that might benefit the American people. The Party of No. We need to bring back the concept of shame, then shame these guys all the way to the gates of hell.

There's no one else I can think of, as a group, who are is as consistently worthless as the Republican party. They don't believe government can do anything positive, yet they feel they ought to serve in the government. Those two truths guarantee failure. Kick them out!

Now there are calls to punish Sen. Snowe by denying her some committee chair. And of course there are calls (wingnuts on message boards) to kick her out of the GOP. I wish they would kick her out. She ought to be a Democrat anyway. The Republican party isn't worth serving.