Monday, January 11, 2010

Time Never Forgets When You Die

Maybe if you were a guy in ancient Egypt time forgot when you died. But these days, time remembers.

I have a copy of a newspaper from 1923, from some dinky town in Missouri. On the front page they have the death notice of some folks. There's one guy ... his death notice straddles the fold, and you can barely make out the line of type there.

But I thought I had it anyway. And I was able to prove I was right ... because time never forgets when you die.

I typed the guy's name in Google and his town and state. Up popped a site that has people's death certificates, images of them. And they happened to have that guy's town and place, the whole thing.

Then right below it was his wife's death certificate, with her father's name, filling in the blank (at least proving what the broken type said), what her last name had been.

Be careful of the circumstances of your death. Don't do anything shameful between now and then. So you can die a clean death. Because ... time never forgets when you die! And how.