Sunday, June 21, 2009

The Fog Of After-Meal Lethargy

I wrote yesterday about profound rib lethargy after eating too many ribs. A big overload. But I didn't eat any dinner last night, then no breakfast today. (I could've eaten breakfast but was busy at the time.)

Now I've had lunch, some ham and beans, and am suffering the fog of this lethargy again, a completely unwelcome feeling. I always seem to forget it's going to happen till it does. Not that I wouldn't have eaten, but maybe I didn't need to clean my plate.

I have a few things that need to be done today ... so I don't have the option of going to sleep for a prolonged time. Maybe I'll try 25 minutes.

[25 minutes later] OK, that worked. I dozed off very fast, and now I'm up for everything.