Monday, June 29, 2009

150 Years

Bernie Madoff got 150 years for whatever scheme it was that he did.

That would be a killer to hear. The judge says, "150 years," and you have to think ... Wow.

I don't know what the actual terms are, like if he gets out in five or six years for good behavior or something. But if it's the case that he has to be in prison forever, that would be a real drag for him. Or for me if I had to hear that.

Fortunately I try to keep my nose fairly clean. And if I had the idea to cheat people out of several billion dollars, I think I would think again. Because to my way of thinking, eventually someone's going to notice.

Prison. What a life.

To think, you have one shot at life. 70 years, maybe 80 if you're lucky. That's it. Then to screw it up so royally that you get a term that is over two lifespans long. That is really screwing it up.

Why not just be fairly honest and enjoy your life? Come on.