Sunday, June 28, 2009

Christine McIntyre

I never really paid any attention to Christine McIntyre, of Three Stooges fame. I guess I've seen her before numerous times, especially in "Micro-Phonies," the Stooges film with her in it that I've seen the most.

The thing is I haven't dwelt on the Shemp years that much, since I never had the films from then and didn't see them on TV in any systematic way. But now that I have the DVDs of the full series (so far), I started seeing Christine McIntyre in several episodes in a row and decided to look her up.

Plus, and what really spurred me on, there was a celebrity question in the newspaper supplement, like "What can you tell me about Christine McIntyre from the Three Stooges?" (Whenever I see these newspaper supplement questions, I always think, Don't they have the internet where these people live? And assuming they do, how is it they're smart enough to write a letter, stamp it, and get it to the newspaper guy?)

But in this case it was a helpful question, because I looked her up and was glad to see she has her own Wikipedia page. That filled in some of the details. Also I saw her tombstone at the Find A Grave site. So that's cool.

Christine died in 1984. She retired from show biz in the mid '50s, after her contract ran out. She was hired by Columbia to star in their short films, and ended up in quite a few Stooges' films.

She's not just there either, she's funny and does a great job, and they had her working, all kinds of crazy physical comedy with Moe, Larry, and Shemp. (Her Curly films I'm thinking were few.)