Monday, June 1, 2009

Cleaning The Cat Box

It's a nasty job but I still have to do it.

I think our cats must be pooping horizontally. I try not to be gross, but the Johnny bag starts out white. What's the deal? Is their digestive system driven by turbines?

The litter gets to be a mess, scooped out, but still messy after about a week. So I've been regularly getting a new bag of litter and changing the whole works about that often.

Right after changing it, that's the only time I put my hand in it, to smooth it out. (Shhh, I'm trying to do it quietly so they won't come running and mess it up right away.)

We ought to give the cat species a gold star for being so adept at going in a cat box. That's for sure. But do they really have to go so often?