(I like the new format, by the way. Smaller, it's easier to handle and keep in nice condition in case you like to save things, like I do.)
It was a good story. It was interesting to read about his climb to the top. But it makes me wonder why it was so hard for him to be a smashing success without American Idol. He's not exactly a dime-a-dozen kind of guy.
Very nice picture on the front. I like the butterfly and the snake. It lets us know what is of such interest to everyone. There's lots of things to know about Adam. But it's just great to know he's so comfortable being himself and that he has all this confidence now.
It's also interesting to see which American Idol contestant made the cover of Rolling Stone. He clearly was the star this year and should've been the winner. But he says he didn't care about that. He's more gracious about it than I am. I'm still ticked.