Thursday, May 7, 2009

The Plate Spinning Song

I stepped out last night, a nice, crisp, still evening. I had to take my dog out but it was pleasant enough in other respects as well.

It was still, like I said. So still you could hear things from the distance. If your ears were good enough, you could probably hear the pigeons cooing on top of the buildings. I couldn't hear them.

But I could hear other things. I could hear some whistling from somewhere. I heard the first several notes and it reminded me of the old plate spinning song they used to have on TV, whenever a guy had several big poles and plates spinning on top of them. I kept listening and indeed that was the song that was being whistled, because it went down after that excited tense bit.

I stepped closer to the road and could see a neighbor guy doing something in his garage. So it was him that was doing the whistling. But he only went through the song that one time.

That song is officially called "Sabre Dance" by Khachaturian, at least that's what it's called on a CD I have, "Caravan - The Ultimate Silk Road Album."