Tuesday, May 19, 2009


I see the new Three Stooges volume (number 6) comes out in the middle of June. Always looking forward to that. Which means I'll be in for a couple weeks of watching the Three Stooges a little each morning and evening till I make it through. Of course it's all Shemp at this point, which is OK. He did a great job as a hilarious Stooge.

I've been watching the "Iron King" DVDs I got a little over a week ago. It's kind of beloved by me, not terribly beloved though. In case you're not familiar with this, it's a Japanese TV show from 1972, which features one robot monster after another. And back then they made robot monsters really really big, like portable phones. The two heroes -- Gentaro and Goro -- are both human size, and that's the way Gentaro stays. But Goro can become a giant himself, making him "Iron King."

Iron King has 26 episodes. I'm up to 13. So I ought to have those well done by the time the Three Stooges volume comes out.

One other thing to note. I'm not going to get a screen shot to show this. But one or two of the Phantom Militia look very close in appearance to Barack Obama. There's no big point to make in that, except where was he around 1972? (I know, he was a kid ... but there's something suspicious going on.) The Phantom Militia in the series is the second underground, rebel group trying to take over Japan. But thanks to Gentaro and Iron King, they've been 100% thwarted so far.

Gentaro and Goro in this series have an extremely difficult time trying to convey the dangerousness of these terror groups to potential and likely victims. There's a Professor Flasher from the U.S. who's in Japan. The Phantom Militia wants to kill him or whatever, and he's oblivious to the danger. Goro is guarding him in his room in one scene, and the next thing you know Goro is tied up and the Professor is out on the golf course playing a round. Of course the terrorists come over the hill and capture him ... until thwarted by Gentaro. Also Goro shows up as Iron King to help save the day.