Friday, January 9, 2009

The Sedona Method

I never heard of the Sedona Method till today. I was at a thrift store looking at the books and saw this book, "The Sedona Method," and glanced to see what it was. It might have had to do with knitting, cooking, exercise, I didn't know.

But it is subtitled, "Your Key to Lasting Happiness, Success, Peace and Emotional Well-being." What we each want, really. The categories on the back cover, top, are Self-Help and Spirituality. So that's appealing.

It's by a guy named Hale Dwoskin, no one I've ever heard of. But it has Jack Canfield's name at the top, and it seems like Jack's name is on every third book I see. An exaggeration there. He's the Chicken Soup guy and apparently a Book Blurb Guy About Town. Debbie Ford has a blurb on the back ... I think she's an up and coming Book Blurb Person, too. You get some of these Book Blurb people on your book and you've got a hit.

I've only glanced through the book less than five minutes. But it looks like the Sedona Method has to do with releasing some of your hold on emotions and seeking the approval of people. I saw one little bit about holding on and letting go. I'm a holder, that's for sure. So maybe if I can, I'll try to give this book a chance.