Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Peanut Butter Is The New Spinach

How come it seems like when it comes to recalls it's always one thing at a time? I wouldn't say you never hear of two things at once, but it seems like it. It's like nature attacks; it's either sharks or killer bees, never both.

Now we have killer peanut butter, or whatever, maybe peanut butter that makes people break out in a rash. Of course there's always a problem with peanuts, which I think started with Jimmy Carter, since I never heard of it before. You see it on labels that the ingredients in this package were processed in a plant that also processes peanuts. So beware or you might die.

And I love peanut butter. Not love love in the sense that I have it a lot. But when I eat it I love it. Like in oatmeal or on a sandwich occasionally. What can go wrong with peanut butter? Probably overheated or the oil sat on a shelf and spoiled.

Food companies, get it right! This is ridiculous.