Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Obama's First Actual Day At Work

It was great seeing the photos of President Obama doing the business of a normal workday. I'm sure we'll get to that point where everyday is just another day. Like we did with Bush. We weren't thinking about him all the time, except with fear and loathing in our hearts. Eventually Obama will be able to do things without everyone (me) hearing about it.

I always think I'd like to keep track of everything. But whether it's boredom or the mere fact that I have a life to live and that doesn't include reading every news article, I know I'm going to quickly lose track. It's just nice to have a guy in there as president that I feel like I can trust enough to turn my back. Bush, never. But what can you do? No one cares what you think, especially.

I was very bummed out about John Roberts (a Republican appointee) screwing up the oath of office. It was a relief to hear that Obama retook the oath today sometime. Hopefully they made Roberts stand in an antechamber and run through the oath to a mirror about 50 times before they trusted him to go live. What a dolt. It's 35 words. You're the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court. You can't manage to read 35 words in the sequence it's written out on the card? Good grief, how can we trust your opinions or anything else? I thought these Republican appointees (bozos) were supposed to be "strict constructionists!" How strict are you when you can't manage to read the actual text? So it was a relief to me to hear that Obama got it officially behind him, whether it was with John Roberts or whether they brought in someone who could actually read.