Sunday, January 11, 2009

Comfort Food

I went to the grocery store to get a few things. I was a little bummed out because of a relative in the hospital and not getting out. My squirrelly little brain was telling me "citrus" would help. But I don't like the iffiness of fruit. You're eating it, it's got all those white bits, too much mush. If it was just pulp, OK, but rind, seeds, other crap, it's too much.

That means juice is best, even though nutritionists tell you it isn't. Juice is freebasing fruit. Still, they've got it domesticated, tidy, under control in that milk carton with a screw off lid.

I was consciously telling myself you don't need comfort food just because of this hospital setback. It's all psychological. I just about turned away once and forgot it, but the thing was too strong. Plus I wanted to get a few other items. I ended up with a carton of orange juice and a carton of grapefruit juice, plus everything else.

An old guy in a handicapped cart asked me to reach him a cantaloupe, because he was stocking up for the big winter storm. I just about walked away afterward, but asked him about the winter storm rumor, which apparently is true. It motivated me to buy more items than I would have otherwise. I gave him a pat on the shoulder, like Kramer, like we were old buddies, and told him, "See you later." As I walked away I was thinking it wouldn't be bad to be friends with that guy, follow him around helping him reach things. But by then he was on his way wherever and I was in the dog food aisle.

Among my comfort food items, things I never buy, was a 100 pack of Lipton tea. I usually don't drink much tea, but we go in spurts. Today I was thinking, get the tea, get brand name, indulge. It's weird how they price tea. 48 teabags were one price and 100 teabags were around 20 cents more.