Saturday, January 17, 2009

100th Episode of Desperate Housewives

I saw an ad for Desperate Housewives -- it's still on -- and they've arrived at their 100th episode!

I did not know that before. I quit watching it completely probably a year ago or so. Right about the time they had the supermarket shooting, after that sometime. It was getting, I don't know, too hacky, and I felt like I was wasting time just getting deeper and deeper in a bunch of unnecessarily complex twists and relations.

I did happen to read that they backed it up in time, going back five years, which, again, sounds like something unnecessarily complex and difficult. Just looking at the ad, though, it allows them to have the narrator who committed suicide back as an actual character. So that's kind of cool.

A hundred episodes is quite a few. And I'm surprised, because I didn't think they'd been doing that many episodes. You go back on some older series and they might have 23-30 episodes a year, but I seem to remember Desperate Housewives having four or five episodes, then repeating them for a month, then taking off the summer, etc. Which would give them about 30 episodes total. But I obviously would have had that wrong!

This is also the 100th "Pimp My Skivvies" post. And that's more impressive.