Thursday, December 31, 2009

The Zeroes

I think "The Zeroes" is a fine name for the decade just now passing.

It makes more sense to me than "The Aughts," because we don't really say the word "aught" that much.

My dad used to say it a lot, like in an old time voice, "I remember the summer of Aught Three," even though he wasn't that old. He might be telling a story. And of course we used it in reference to a famous gun, the "Thirty Aught Six."

It has an old fashioned sound to it. Whereas "zero" is exactly what the main number is from 2000-2009. So "The Zeroes" makes a lot of sense, and sounds good too.

As for everyone saying the Zeroes were terrible, yes, they had their bad side. One, we suffered with George W. Bush for most of them. Those were gruesome, terrible political times. Now we have the execrable Republicans trying to make a comeback (God forbid). Please, don't let them spoil the next decade like they did the past one!

Our big hope for the 2010s is that the Democrats rule and reign as Democrats, not Joe Lieberman- Ben Nelson-Republican wannabes. And that the Democrats always have a spine of steel when it comes to sticking up for themselves against the shameless, worthless, miserable Republicans. The Republicans, after all, are completely and totally disgusting.

May President Obama keep his head about him when the Republicans are crowing about the latest thing, whatever their hypocrisy didn't allow them to crow about when Bush was president. Wow, they're worthless.

Let's get the 21st century kicked off again, a restart, and make actual progress in the country and world. We can do it. We can make the next 10 years better than the last!

Personally, the last 10 years were basically OK for me. Not the Golden Years, but, like always, I was happy enough.

God was good, let's say. And will still be good tomorrow.

Happy New Year. The first decade I really remember turning over on was the '70s. I was a bit young to think about it that much in 1959. But I surely knew. It's tough to believe it's been 40 years ago that it was 1970, but that's the way time flies!

Have a great one!