Monday, December 21, 2009

The Republicans Are Such Vermin

Michael Steele, the head of the dysfunctional Republican party, now says the Democrats are "flipping the bird" at the American people by passing health care reform legislation.

Of course we know what the Republicans want to be accomplished: NOTHING. Got that? A big fat goose egg is what they would prefer, not just on this issue but every issue. And that's God's honest truth.

Why do they want it that way? So they can stand back and crow, "The Democrats didn't get anything accomplished!"

So, yes, probably to this bozo and his band of bozos, getting something passed is very bad news indeed.

But as to "flipping the bird" at the American people, he might go back and revisit the election of 2008. It was big news at the time. In that election, more Democrats were elected. In that election, a Democratic president was elected. And in that election, one of the campaign themes and campaign promises was health care reform. By enacting health care reform, it is a fulfillment of what we voted for.

"Flipping the bird" at the American people would be to know that's what we voted for it and to seek to deny us getting it. Which, as we know from the last several months, is precisely what the Republicans have done.

The Republicans are despicable vermin.