I heard that song a couple times, the title song, and the best Nancy tune on the LP. It was a big hit. The others have a cool vibe to them, almost a detachment from Nancy. I like some of the arrangements, then her voice is in there to surround everything.
She claims to care but you have to think her overall attitude toward the "boy" in the songs is best reflected in her "Boots" song. "I'm going to walk all over you."
One of the Beatles' absolutely worst songs is on the LP, "Run For Your Life." I believe John said of this song in his Rolling Stone interviews that it was a toss-off bit of nothing. And I've certainly always believed that. Crummy song.
Nancy does some interesting things with it, though it is disconcerting to hear, "Run for your life if you can, little boy..." then she even says, "Baby boy," I believe. Goo goo gaa gaa. The original lady gaa gaa.
How about the liner notes? You ought to get a copy of the liner notes, if they're still legal to read.
It starts off mentioning the "Lesson in Love," and says, "How should I sing this?" "Like a 16 year old girl who's been dating a 40 year old man, but it's all over now." That might explain some of the strange tone throughout! And that kind of line would certainly turn heads now!
Interesting album.