Tuesday, September 15, 2009

I Got A Flu Shot

I'm all set for the flu season, having gotten a flu shot today.

I'm glad that's over. But one thing I've discovered in the last few years, having gone to the doctor now for that long, is that needles are never as bad as I imagine they're going to be.

This came as a real surprise to me when it first happened. I don't like them, but I know what to expect, that, except for tetanus shots, they don't seem extremely terrible.

I got my blood drawn at my last doctor's appointment and that was bad. Not painful, just prolonged, as it seemed like he needed a sample for five or six tests. The lady was slipping in cartridges and taking them out. All this time there's a needle in my arm!

Today, though, with the flu shot, it was in and out and I barely noticed it. I did notice it, but it was really nothing.

Anyway, I'm all set for the flu season .... until they have the H1N1 shots, and I'll have to wait and see if I'm supposed to get one of those.

I'm hoping the flu season goes great for everyone, that no one gets the flu. Of course that's unreasonable, but it's always best to hope for the best. If you can get the shot you may as well. There's nothing to it.