Saturday, April 18, 2009


Who are all these hideously stupid teabaggers outraged with supposedly high taxes? Didn't anyone tell the dweebs that taxes actually went down under Obama?

It's an odd thing to suddenly be up in arms about "the guv'ment and them blasted revenooers." Since the rate went down since the last guy who served (wrong word) as president, it seems like the yahoos would've been upset back then. But no.

It's kind of funny, really. These people didn't even believe in protesting a few years ago. Love it or leave it! Now they're being led by the nose by Fox Noise and the right wing commentariat. Who are upset that we have a black man for president. And who have nothing better to do than to root for the failure of the country they supposedly love so much. That would be the ones who don't hate America so much that they want to secede from the union.

So there they are out there with their idiotic teabags, throwing them on the White House lawn and bringing everything to a halt while the Secret Service checks it out for a potential threat. Must've been nobody told them not to do that. Or they didn't understand the rules. Wouldn't be surprised!

Republicans can be nasty boogers. And that's the truth.