Friday, April 17, 2009

Mind Race

My mind has been running at all speeds today. Really racing early on, as I thought on numerous issues, religion and society issues mostly. It was like one of those duck shooting games at the carnival. I had many arguments, good arguments, in my mind on various dimensions of these issues, and it was bang bang bang, hitting them all.

I knew better than to try to write them down, because it'd be a crazy mess of stuff. Then like a wearing down machine -- plus due to the fact that I've had other tasks, some very mindless -- everything slowed down. Till now, I'm getting tired, and everything is at a trickle, except for my clear memories of the whole thing.

It's been a week, really, that's run the gamut with ups and downs. Today a lot of it came in to focus, especially early on. But I don't think I've got it right now. When you've got it -- those rare occasions -- you know.