Saturday, April 4, 2009

Murder For Hire

I was just watching one of the weekend documentary shows on MSNBC, eating my dinner and enjoying the foolish antics of people trying to have their spouses or lovers murdered.

It was an interesting show. I came in late but got the gist of it in the last 40 minutes or so. They set up hidden cameras, whether in a van or in a motel room somewhere, then let the person hang him- or herself. The first person I saw was a woman, maybe I saw two, I don't remember. One was quite brazen, trying to set up the hit while she was in jail. Since they tape and record everything you say and do in jail, that might not be the smartest move.

A few of them, the perp was in a vehicle, and they're just casually discussing what they want done. Then when they pay, the police come swooping in to arrest them.

One interesting thing was a guy who showed the way he sets up a motel room for one of these sessions.

Oh, I remember another one involving a woman. She wasn't happy with her husband of three months. And he had lots of life insurance, stocks/bonds, and some other source of income which would all be hers ... if only. So she arranges a hit with this undercover cop. They swoop in to arrest her, and the narrator says the husband was trying after that to get her out. Then the weird thing is he died three months later of a heart attack, meaning had she just waited a few months all the moolah would've been hers anyway!