Sunday, March 8, 2009

My Dog Sinned Today

My dog is as faithful a dog as any I've ever seen. If I'm asleep she's right there sleeping, if not at my side, at my back, then at least in the same room, over on the futon or on the floor. Somewhere!

Today I woke up from a nap, looked on the bed and she wasn't there. On the futon, on the floor, no dog. I called a few times. No dog. My first thought is she's locked in a room by accident, or, worse, she's dead. Maybe sick and dying. Maybe actually dead.

Again, this is a constant companion. She's nowhere except nearby. Like right now, as I type this, she's less than five feet away.

I went downstairs, fearing the worst, and there was a mess. The garbage was strewn all over the kitchen. I'm sure the cat knocked it over, since this is what he's known for. But the dog had been busy picking through it. I cook microwave bacon with lots of paper towels, and these were chewed up, in smaller pieces, strewn about. She had doubtless been enjoying the bacon grease taste of all this garbage.

I wasn't mad, since I'm never mad at her. I want her to have the best life every second. But she looked like she knew there was something wrong with the whole scene. She went in the other room and was on the couch, not right there at my side.

Actual ... sinning.