Monday, March 2, 2009

Life, Liberty, And The Pursuit Of Something

I saw the story early today about Rush Limbaugh saying the preamble of the Constitution said certain things about "life, liberty, whatever, whatever, and the pursuit of happiness." I'm no constitutional scholar but my first thought was that is from the Declaration of Independence.

It's good to see everyone jumping on that. Not that the guy can't make a mistake, but I don't believe he's real forgiving when other people say and do things, especially guys on the other side of the aisle. Although he's getting pretty dicey with his fellow Republicans, any who aren't sufficiently fast enough to bow to him. Personally, I don't listen to him. I couldn't stomach that voluntarily. The only time I hear him is like if I'm somewhere and they have him on. But I get out as fast as possible.

The same thing with Bill O'Reilly. I flipped over to his show tonight while commercials were on everything else. But he was doing the usual blowhard routine, "I'm right, everyone else is wrong" thing he's known for. So I went back to the commercials. How can anyone stand nothing but ranting? It's bizarre. He was bellyaching that Obama picked Sebelius for HHS, that she supports abortion rights. Now that's bizarre. He does know about the Democrats' constituencies? He does know they're generally pro-choice? He does know that elections have consequences?

Did he similarly lambast Bush if Bush didn't do just the opposite of what the Republicans stood for?