Saturday, February 14, 2009

Eye Burn

There's no relation between the subjects of these two illustrations. But one seemed to suggest the other, at least in the pose.

Someone used to make photocopies of the Jesus illusion picture, leading to many experiences of spiritual transformation when we stared at it for a minute, then closed our eyes, to behold, as in a miraculous vision, the sense of the Lord's omnipresence in our minds. I still don't know precisely how it works, but an eye doctor probably could tell me. What I think happens is this, that there's some connection between staring at things and seeing them later...

As for Norm Coleman, ex-senator from Minnesota and now disgraced ex-candidate for the office, I don't want to stare at that guy. In fact, I'm trying to avert my eyes in case that connection between staring at things and seeing them later turns out to be true. It's unbelievable that the election festivities in the state of Minnesota are lingering as long as they are. I know they have cold weather over there but I didn't think things stayed frozen quite this long. Just try it on for size had it been the other way around, that Coleman was leading by 240-some votes and Franken was trailing. The Republicans would have raised a mighty stink to get Coleman seated. But we have the Democrat ahead and of course we have to wait patiently till every rejected ballot is reconsidered 50 more times.

And remember Coleman's principles? He said right after the election, when Franken was a few votes behind, that had he (Coleman) been in that position that he would withdraw and concede. Does anyone believe him? The man is an obvious liar ... as events have proven.

Stare at the Lord's picture, get that eye burn thing going, then go to Him in prayer and ask that Coleman might eventually lose, at least before the next election.