Monday, August 24, 2009

Same Old Story

I had the great idea today of going out for a picnic for dinner.

So all things were arranged, the getting of the appropriate food, the plans, everything packed up.

Then when we got there, the park, it was the same old story that picnickers for generations having been telling, the bugs!

It seems like it's been colder recently, and I heard a guy say he and his wife went for a picnic yesterday and there weren't any bugs.

But there were for us. Some kind of little black bug that I can't identify. They seem to like to land right on your plate and stay there. They don't move when you swat at them or pick them up with a wet finger. So they're not into defense.

Plus some were landing on my shirt, my hair, my arm. Anywhere.

After a while of that, we packed up our stuff and left for home. After that I enjoyed the fruit -- cantaloupe and grapes mixed -- in the comfort of our home. No bugs.