Monday, August 31, 2009


I wouldn't have trusted the Republicans from day one ... and I didn't.

Anyone who trusts them to put forth a bipartisan effort on something that would help the Democrats (responsible healthcare legislation) is a fool. After all they've done and said, after all the yakking of the right wing talking heads, after all the crazy teabaggery, after even assassins showing up at the president's events, you're still expecting the Republicans to put forth a good faith effort?

If you think anything remotely like that, I understand the Optimist Club is always looking for new members.

Personally, I'm a member of the Lion's Club. I think we need to rage on the Republicans with the full force of a lion, and maybe take a bite out of their rear flank for good measure. There's nothing more disgusting to me these days than the Republican party. And I'm adding some of our Democrats In Name Only (Ben Nelson, Max Baucus, etc.) to that group.