Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Arlen Specter's Townhall Meeting - The Real Dope

I only saw the 3 minute snippet of Sen. Arlen Specter's townhall meeting. Of some dope who stood up and railed at him for being corrupt, having cronies, etc.

And as much as I can't stand Sen. Specter, and hope he loses in the Pennsylvania primary, at least he let the old fart speak his mind. Of course it turned out he didn't have much on his mind, just a lot of generalized griping. But the guy got to leave of his own freewill, so that was something.

Try that at a Republican rally, by the way. He wouldn't have gotten in in the first place, like the old Bush rallies. Even if he had a T-shirt that seemed anti-Bush, or even a bumper sticker on his car in the parking lot(!) he would've been ushered out or excluded. (And these are the loudmouths these days complaining the most about access to their representatives.) And as for speaking his mind -- which he did -- the Republicans would've drowned him out with "USA! USA! USA!" That's how much they believe in free speech.

Now, in addition, we have some clown -- excuse the language, actual clowns -- who thought it'd be a good idea, something allowable, to take a gun to see President Obama speak. A gun! I don't remember that policy in the Bush years either, for all their crowing about Second Amendment rights.

The short story is this, cut to the chase. These people are rabble, hooligans, and obviously very selective in their outrage. Bush was overtly -- with malice -- trying to trample people's rights and they didn't let out a peep.