Thursday, August 13, 2009

Michelle "Palin" Bachmann

Michelle Bachpalin, the crazy Congresspalin from Minnesota, pleads with her supporters not to let the opposition "palinize" her.

Apparently Michepalin is referring to the original Republican scourge, former Alaska governor, Sarah Palinmann, who has marginalized herself with her extreme, wacky, fruitcake ideas and statements.

Bachpalin might want to check her record. The only one palinizing her has been she herself. If you're palinizing around with Palins, don't be surprised if some of the stink wears off.

In all seriousness, we hope that Congresspalin Michpalin Bachpalin is completely defeated and humiliated in the process. Although, to be fair, with her wacky Palinesque views, we can't imagine what it would take to humiliate her.