Wednesday, August 19, 2009

The Late Show

I'm watching the movie "The Late Show," which stars Lily Tomlin, Art Carney, and Bill Macy.

The way I watch a movie, as I've said before, is 10-15 minutes a day while exercising, so I have to stop and restart several times before I get the job done.

With "The Late Show" I'm having a hard time restarting, since it isn't appealing to me very much. It's great seeing Art Carney, that's for sure, and Lily Tomlin. Bill Macy -- I think I'll look him up -- it seems like he was the guy who played Maude's husband. (Yup, turns out he was.)

I always loved Art Carney on "the Honeymooners," like everyone. And Lily Tomlin on "Laugh In" and various other appearances.

The movie has a lot of good stuff going for it. It's just been hard to restart, because I usually want lighter fare when I'm exercising. At least nothing to be nauseated about, which is what I am when guys have bloody noses a lot or there's a body in a refrigerator.

I'm definitely in the last half of it -- I can just feel it -- so I want to see how it works out. But it's really really tough to care.