Sunday, June 1, 2008

Playboys at a Garage Sale

I was driving along and saw a garage sale yesterday. So I went over. They had all the usual stuff, books, some VHS tapes, and all the usual junk that people are always trying to get rid of.

But under the table, they had three boxes of Playboys. So I'm figuring they belong to the guy and not his wife. And the guy is maybe 75 -- 70s anyway.

And maybe it's just me, but I don't want to see that. All I can think of at the sale is the "enjoyment" he no doubt got from these magazines there, over a course of years and years, and it's a major ewww thing for me.

By the way, they were $2.00 apiece. But, you know, even if I were in the market for a box of Playboys, which I'm not, to have to drag three boxes up at a garage sale and have the old guy count them out, etc., would be way too much for me.

The small talk -- which is unavoidable at garage sales -- would also be too much. What memories he might share.