Monday, June 30, 2008

Steven Hatfill

If you recall the government's "person of interest" in the anthrax attacks, you might recall his impassioned presentations with his attorney in 2001-2002. He always seemed pretty sincere, and truly bewildered about why the government was putting him through such an ordeal.

I remember watching him and feeling sorry for him. It seemed like they should either put up the evidence and arrest him or leave the poor guy alone. They badgered him mercilessly.

Well, now it looks like he -- Steven Hatfill -- has the last laugh. The government settled with him and he's been awarded $5.8 million for his trouble -- the trouble they put him through.

The government's incompetence in the Bush years has been staggering. Really, aren't we all entitled to a few million bucks for what Bush and his incompetent Administration have put us through? I'll consider my stimulus check a down payment.

But it's a happy ending for Steven Hatfill, who apparently didn't deserve any of the grief they put him through.