Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Drudge and Obama

Today looks like the day for Barack Obama to finally seal the deal with superdelegates, to put him over the top for the Democratic nomination. Er, for President of the United States, in case you haven't been following it.

Hillary still has some moments, but the news is back and forth whether she will concede, suspend, or just what. The time has definitely come for something, and something's what we're going to get. Maybe later this week, one would assume, there would be a unity appearance with Obama.

There's a good story today -- I read a couple pages of it -- about Matt Drudge. He's really been no one's favorite on the left these years. I've basically avoided going to his site, not entirely, but I was only going there on occasion and with trepidation. The story is that he's been giving Obama pretty good coverage -- the positive spin. And not such great spin for John McCain. I'll take their word for it, and say, if that's so, hurray!

I don't know exactly what's prompted it for me, but I've been checking out Drudge daily for probably the last week. I guess I've heard some of this before, what the Politico story says, but haven't really checked it out to see if it was true. I used to watch his show once in a while -- this was years ago, back when I allowed Fox News on my TV. I thought it had a cool look to it. He was like a hardboiled 1940s character, with the old typewriter and hat. But since then, with the hyper-partisanship of the Bush years, anything that has a hint of the stink of neocons or Republicans, I avoid.

Here's an interesting paragraph from the Politico link: "Drudge-watchers noted that his traffic is increasingly international, bringing him an audience for whom a young charismatic and cosmopolitan Democrat who defies ethnicity is a fascination — unlike his opponent, just another white Republican male." I like that. And I think that says a lot about what we're in for if Obama can win the election. John McCain offers more of the same, and sorrow on the world stage. If McCain were elected, there would be such a loud, global sigh of disgust, it would make Perot's giant sucking sound sound like a dying man sipping on a straw!

But Obama, now there's a cool guy. Like the graf says, young, charismatic, cosmopolitan, defying ethnicity, fascinating. McCain, about to fall over.

We'll be back in business with Obama. We'd be down the drain with McCain.