Saturday, June 7, 2008

The Joy of Sex, Sex, and More Sex

Last week I wrote about some boxes of Playboys at a garage sale, and I believe I mentioned how rare that is.

Well, maybe everyone in town is joining a monastery or nunnery, because I was at another garage sale, and there was a couple of boxes of Playboys there, too! But the ones last week were $2.00 apiece, and these this week were only 25 cents each.

The sale was about over with, and they hadn't been bought yet. The people were packing their stuff in totes for storage. So the moment of opportunity to get these was quickly passing.

But what I saw that really caught my eye was outside, a nice big box of sex manuals, like The New Joy of Sex, the original Joy of Sex, etc. I wish I remembered some of the titles, because there were quite a few, maybe 20 books all together with the common theme.

I thought about going back in the garage to take a look at the ladies in charge, and see what was on their mind. But as it turned out, I didn't.

We were talking about it on the way to the car, how unusual that is to see. They were either folks who've learned it all or have given up trying.