Wednesday, June 11, 2008

The Year of a Million Words

Here's someone with a goal of writing a million words in 2008. I've had that goal before, at least conceptually. But I always thought if I were writing about my writing of a million words, eventually the commentary on the act would overwhelm the output of anything interesting. And at the end I'd be saying something like "A thousand to go, and I just did four more there, but with that last phrase and this one, I have 17 or 18 more, depending on whether numbers count as a word, and in saying 17 or 18 I hadn't counted on these last couple of clauses." So you can see the conundrum. But if you just write, write, write, blather on endlessly, I can see how you could do it quite easily.

How to count your words, though, I suppose put the whole thing in Microsoft Word before posting, because it the number of words...

His blog is at this link.

Here's a piece of a post from today:
This is what I did tonight when I had the room to myself:

Watched Portugal versus Czech Republic, y’know, to unwind after work.

Checked my emails, check my statcounter, read a few other blogs.

Opened a blank document.

Went and looked in the fridge. Decided I’d cook tea.

Ate tea in front of the TV.

Did the dishes.

Decided I should also make my lunch for tomorrow.

Opened an existing story which is missing its final scene.

Checked my emails again.