Thursday, June 19, 2008

Misremembering Lyrics

I just had a piece of a tune and lyrics pop into my head, but I couldn't place it. Mind wracking. I could get a few words then a piece of music. But the Google couldn't help. I thought it was "Janey was in pigtails, back in 1965," but nothing in that brought up any answers.

Next step, go look at my CDs and try to jog my memory while going over the snippets. Finally I thought of the next bit, "Bring back the Boston rag," so that answered it that it was Steely Dan.

But when I checked out the lyrics, there was nothing about Janey in pigtails. It was "Lonnie was the kingpin, back in 1965."

So here I sit with a great lyric about Janey in pigtails in 1965 and nothing I can do about it.